Every loft is full of childhood knick-knacks and things passed down through the generations. While it may be tempting to throw away these items to make more space, some are more valuable than you think! Here are 6 retro items that are worth a lot of money today.
- Beanie Babies
Now a seemingly worthless item, the Beanie Babies: Punchers the Lobster; Nana the Monkey and Peanut Royal Blue Elephant toys are all worth up to £3,000. If you own any of these, it may be worth keeping them safe in Store and Secure’s self storage in Bournemouth and Basingstoke.
- Hot Wheels
Every boy has received Hot Wheels as a gift. Models including Volkswagen’s Beach Bomb, The Beatnik Bandit and Red Baron are worth thousands of pounds today and are worth storing in one of storage company Store and Secure’s moving boxes until they’re sold.
- Star Wars memorabilia
If you’re someone who has the Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi crew jacket stowed away, it could be worth up to £25,000. With this item certainly one to look after, keeping it in pristine condition with Store and Secure’s packaging materials in Basingstoke and Bournemouth is a wise move.
- Monopoly original
A classic Christmas game, the hand drawn original Monopoly set was sold for over £100,000 in 2011. If you are lucky enough to have something like this, keep it safe from prying eyes in Store and Secure’s 24/7 CCTV monitored container storage in Basingstoke and Bournemouth.
- The first Barbie Doll
A revolutionary toy, the first edition Barbie doll is worth approximately £20,000 nowadays. However, storage company Store and Secure believe that the sentimental value of this toy could make parting with it a tough choice.
- VHS valuables
Surprisingly, the demand for rare VHS video tapes is huge. Selling these to a keen buyer therefore could see you earn £500 or more for each.
Discover what else Store and Secure offer, including office accommodation in Bournemouth and commercial storage in Basingstoke, by giving us a call on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).