Thinking of starting a business? We love start-up businesses… the whole buzz and passion of an entrepreneur with a new idea and the whole market entry thing…
So we bend over backwards to help when they come to us for some business storage in Bournemouth and Basingstoke and – after working with several start-ups over the last few years – we can help you in a handful of ways.
To start with, self-storage here for your stock, tools and goods is low-cost, whether you’re a company that sells thousands of products each day or a casual trader running a part-time business from the spare room. And it’s easy-in, easy-out, with easy terms and no long, fixed terms.
That’s good, isn’t it? Well there’s more…
- We’ll see goods in for you and despatch your deliveries (without you being here – how handy is that?)…
- You can have as much or little business storage space as you need, and can keep changing to suit the ebbs and flows of business…
- You can store anything – Stock, office equipment, surplus, tools, returns, archive storage and secure shredding
- You can even rent a high-quality, serviced office in Bournemouth or Basingstoke, ranging from 100 to 1000 sq ft
- 24/7 access to our external lock-ups in our secure compound. Great for tradesmen’s tools, equipment and materials…
- The safety and security of your storage is our top priority and take it very seriously.
So come on… every reason for you to consider Store & Secure to help you build your business with full business storage in Bournemouth and Basingstoke. Call us or e-mail us today!