With a new year comes new opportunities and often a fresh burst of motivation for the things we’ve been putting off. It’s the perfect time to have a spring clean and get your home in order. In this blog, we’ll cover some of our top tips on how to declutter your home and some of the extra storage space solutions you can use to help you do this.
Set Aside Time
They say that procrastination is the thief of time, and this is certainly true for decluttering. If you tend to stop and start during tasks like this, you may find that it’s harder to stay motivated. Set aside a specific time, whether that be every evening for a week, one full day, or even a weekend, to declutter. Make sure you don’t plan anything else in for this time so you’re not distracted. Dedicate yourself solely to the task at hand where possible.
This means that you’re not left with half-finished rooms and will help you feel satisfied once the task is done. You might even gain extra storage space!
Go Room By Room
Another great tip for how to declutter is working room by room rather than trying to declutter your whole home in one go. This will help avoid mess being left to deal with if you need a break, and you have other rooms you can escape to if you need to.
It also helps to start with the worst offenders and work your way down. For example, your bathroom might not be too cluttered, but you may need some self storage for what is in your lofts or attic. Start with the rooms that need the most attention. That way, when you start to get tired, you don’t have an uphill battle ahead of you.
You could even break this down further by decluttering section-by-section of a room, like going to each kitchen cupboard in turn.
Separate Items By Destination
It can be extremely overwhelming to have hundreds of items in front of you with no idea where to start. One of the most well-known tips on how to declutter is to consider each item you come across in turn and make a decision about it. From this decision, start to make piles of your items depending on where they will go. Have a pile for ‘Keep’, ‘Bin’, ‘Store’, and even one for ‘Not Sure’ if you’re struggling to decide. Make sure you also have bin bags or boxes ready to collect the things to bin and anything to sell or donate so you can easily transport them.
Consider Extra Storage
If you find that while you’re decluttering there are a lot of items that you just can’t bear to get rid of, but don’t use regularly, why not consider a personal storage solution like ours at Store & Secure? Our household storage options are perfect for keeping your personal items safe in our self storage facilities. With access to your unit seven days a week, if you find you need your items more often than you thought, you don’t have to be without them for long.
Using an extra household storage unit can provide a bit of breathing room for homes low on space. It gets rid of the clutter without you having to sacrifice your belongings for the sake of minimalism. Popular items we store include bicycles, seasonal sports equipment and Christmas decorations. We even specialise in document archive storage for the paperwork you’re just not sure what to do with.
Store & Secure
Looking to declutter for the new year? Get in contact with us at Store & Secure. Our personal and household storage solution in Poole is available on a flexible basis, not to mention affordable. All our self-storage units come with their own key and are open 7 days a week. Get an Instant Price today for as little as £5 per week and make the best start to your 2023.