At our latest business networking event in Basingstoke, Gill Fountain – brand manager at marketing and design company 38 Partnership (38partnership.co.uk) – won the free draw for a bottle of wine.
Gill describes herself as: “…working quietly in the background, no shouting from the rooftops, just marketing exciting companies, helping to brand their way to success, promoting using creative and cutting edge design. At 38 Partnership we help from start to finish, or anything in-between. You could be a start-up company looking for ideas on how deal with your marketing, a large corporate company searching for fresh ideas and re-branding or a charity looking to raise awareness and increase funding.”
Our monthly breakfast event is entirely free to attend… and you’re invited! Come and meet people like Gill… it’s held at our Houndmills self storage facility in Basingstoke on the second Wednesday of each month.
There are free refreshments between 8–10am – tea/coffee, fruit juice and a selection of pastries. It’s an informal meeting with no restrictions on how many businesses from each trade sector can attend. You just need to bring along your business cards to share around.
For more information on upcoming events or to book your place at the next breakfast, please visit www.eventbrite.co.uk to reserve your space… or call our Kevin Chandler on (01256) 444455.
And for further information about our business storage in Basingstoke, please contact us on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).