You could make Christmas really special for a poverty-struck orphan or two in Romania this year… and we can help you do it.
The Biggin Hill Romania Group distributes around 2,000 Christmas shoeboxes each year in and around the area of Comanesti – and has big plans to expand to even more children.
Volunteers, including some from the local Poole team, will pay their own way to visit and distribute the Christmas shoeboxes in person and see the joy they give.
If you can help, you simply buy items to fill a shoebox (for either a boy or a girl), then deliver it to our self-storage in Bournemouth facility* by October 18. S’easy!
If you can help, here are some instructions…
Please wrap the lid and base of the shoebox separately with Christmas wrapping paper, secure the lid with two elastic bands and then tape a label to the top of the shoebox, indicating the approximate age and sex the shoebox is intended for.
To help with the transportation costs, is there any chance you could tape a couple of £1 coins to the label on the outside of the box… this is optional.
* Please deliver your shoebox(es) to us during these hours:
– Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
– Sat 9am- 4pm
– Sun & bank holidays 10am-2pm
Want to learn more about our self-storage company in Basingstoke or business storage in Bournemouth? Contact Store & Secure now on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).