When someone becomes a Store & Secure customer, their data is extremely safe in our hands from cyber attacks. To demonstrate how safe, we have achieved Cyber Essentials certification – an initiative of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – for the second year.
Cyber Essentials helps us implement levels of protection against cyber attack – the risk of which we take VERY seriously – and gives us robust security which, combined with an on-going security partnership, aids in protecting us from cyber-attacks.
We undertook Cyber Essentials certification with Poole-based cyber defence and security consultants C3IA Solutions.
The process is an independently-verified self assessment where organisations assess themselves against five basic security controls and a qualified assessor verifies the information provided. When properly implemented, its controls help to protect against unskilled internet-based attackers using commodity capabilities – which are freely available on the internet.
Protecting our customers’ data is vital and we were one of the first companies in the self-storage industry to gain the certification.