If you’re stressed at work and can’t think straight, you can get started right now on one of the issues. It’s undisputed that a disorganised, clutter-filled office can be only a symptom of stress but also a source of stress. Take a quick look around. See loads of clutter? Yep… it’s a warning bell.
If you’re too disorganised for your style of working, it all fights for your attention. That’s bound to influence the way you work – and not only that – influence external perceptions of your professionalism. Not to mention you feeling frustrated, anxious and out of control.
The benefits of a decluttered work area are being clear-minded… being able to focus on what needs to get done without distractions… you’re not going to waste time searching for things you need… it generates fresh energy… it creates mental and physical space… and releases negative emotions. Wow!
Here are some great tips to declutter your office:
• Start small, even if it’s only with a single drawer or cupboard. Clear out old documents and important files you don’t need at the moment, and place in our Store & Secure archive storage in Basingstoke or Bournemouth.
• Make decluttering a quick 15-minute weekly routine,
• Get in the habit of putting things away immediately, rather than doing it later,
• Store away seldom used items, and dispose or donate unused ones,
• Use plenty of containers when storing items.
We really recommend this article from lifehacker.com: Top 10 decluttering tricks.
Where does self-storage come in to decluttering? It helps you clear space by letting you store things somewhere else, but they’re still always available. Things like documents, tools, furniture and stock – stuff you don’t want to lose, but that doesn’t need accessing immediately. And it helps optimise your valuable office space. Store & Secure business storage in Basingstoke & Bournemouth are cost effective and flexible, e-mail us or telephone us today on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 445 (Basingstoke) for details.