Christmas will be on our doorstep before we know it, and there’s no harm in getting prepared early! Store and Secure offer Christmas storage to make the jolly season a seamless affair, with personal storage units for Christmas decorations, trees and Christmas gifts.
Christmas Present Storage
There’s nothing more exciting than Christmas for the kids, and the allure of Santa instils the joy in many. Store and Secure make it easier for you to do a spot of early Christmas shopping with Christmas storage so that you can hide the presents away from pesky hands and keep the surprises. Our self storage in Bournemouth is located just behind Castlepoint, so that you can do your Christmas shopping and store it immediately without the risk of an accidental reveal at home!
Christmas tree storage
Christmas trees are expensive, often taking up a lot of space in the garage and can cause quite a mess. Our storage units are quick to access so that you can grab the tree from last year, saving the need to buy another and easy to store again once the season is over! Christmas tree storage is ideal if you’ve got a small garage or loft, as they are only needed once a year, freeing up space for all the new gifts you’ll need a place for.
Christmas decoration storage
Your home always looks best at Christmas due to all of your beautiful Christmas decorations and Christmas tree ornaments. However, Christmas decorations are often fragile and hold a lot of sentimental value, which means that they need to be handled and stored with care. Take a look at our range of sturdy packing boxes and bubble wrap in Basingstoke & Bournemouth at the Box Shop, and store them in our self storage units so that your mind is at ease all year.
From Christmas storage to Christmas tree storage and Christmas decoration storage, Store and Secure in Bournemouth have storage units that are clean, dry and secure with flexible 7 day a week 24 hour access. Learn more about how we can help you with your Christmas storage needs by calling 01202 520 220 or email info@storeandsecure.co.uk