Being a landlord is a tricky business. There are many problems that can occur, so it is a full-time job to keep their properties in top condition for tenants.
Depending on the amount of properties a landlord manages, there can be lots of replacement appliances, furniture pieces and other miscellaneous items necessary for keeping their properties (and tenants) happy. That’s
why we recommend self-storage for landlords, and here are the reasons why:
Peace of mind
With so many expensive appliances and pieces furniture a landlord may need to store, you can rest assured that your items are in good hands in storage. Store & Secure self-storage in Basingstoke and self-storage in Bournemouth is a competitively priced storage solution that is fully staffed 7 days a week, and has the latest smoke and fire detection systems. Our priority is ensuring every single one of our customers’ storage units are safe and secure at all times.
Spacious self-storage units & facilities for businesses
To make removing items from your business self-storage unit in Basingstoke easy and hassle-free, our facilities have extra wide corridors and large lifts to make moving larger items around a breeze.
Help on hand
We also provide free use of trolleys and pallet trucks, plus free car parking and loading bays! All our staff are professional and expertly trained, and will always be on hand to assist you.
Affordable business storage
Renting business storage space in Bournemouth is always hassle-free, and there’s no need for a long-term commitment. Our prices include all utilities, maintenance and security and we don’t add extra business rates.
If you would like to find out more about our self-storage units and business storage space, please contact one of our helpful team members on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke). Alternatively, e-mail us at: info@storeandsecure.co.uk.