When a baby is on its way, every little bit of space counts! If you are clearing out an office or guest room for the new nursery, read our expert storage advice to make room for all your nursery necessities.
Clean out your Cupboard space
Little baby clothes may take up less room, but you will need plenty of them! Make space in your closet by storing out of season clothes and shoes in vacuum bags or in self-storage in Basingstoke.
Hidden Storage Space
Get creative with the space you have. Storing baby supplies in storage boxes under the crib is great for saving space and when you need baby wipes close to hand!
No Nursery? No Problem!
If you don’t have a separate room for the little one just yet, there is a simple solution. Many parents-to-be allocate space in their bedroom to create a ‘Baby Corner’. Use a room divider, such as a curtain or screen to separate physical space or decorate using different colour in the corner to the rest of the room.
Store Large Furniture
Large items in your home can be stored until baby is older or you move to a larger place. Also, storing bulky furniture can make your home safer for the new baby. For example, keeping your coffee table in a storage unit will give you more room and will be less of a bumping risk when the baby starts walking!
After Baby has arrived
If you are planning a larger family, considering keeping your crib, baby bath and stroller in storage units in Bournemouth until number 2 comes along! This will save you buying all new items the second time around. Storing the unused items that your baby has grown out of also helps keep your home de-cluttered and more manageable.
If you are interested in storage in Bournemouth or business storage in Basingstoke, contact us now for a quote or call us on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).