For runners, swimmers and gym-goers, sports equipment is usually fairly limited and therefore relatively effortless to store. However, many sports require larger, bulkier gear that can’t easily be thrown in a gym bag or neatly tucked away at home. That’s why we see many people turning to self-storage spaces when it comes to safely storing their sports equipment. Here are the top three reasons for using self-storage units when it comes to sports equipment storage.
1. Limited storage space at home
More and more people are renting longer and living in flats or houses with minimal storage space for household items. For watersports enthusiasts like surfers, windsurfers and kayakers, storing their sports equipment can be a nuisance without a garage or communal space. By using a self-storage facility you can easily store your sports equipment when it’s not in use and simply pick it up on your way to the beach. You can even make the most of the extra storage space and use it to store any other household items that you don’t have the space for.
Although there are plenty of all-year-round sports, lots are seasonal and long-term storage is required at certain times of the year. Storing your sports equipment in a self-storage space means you can store it throughout the winter months, ready to be used again the following summer. Our self-storage spaces in Poole, Bournemouth and Basingstoke can be used for both long and short term use and are open 7 days a week with free easy-access parking.
2. Keep sports equipment safe
Sports equipment is usually expensive and can therefore attract thieves. If you haven’t got somewhere secure to store your sports equipment at home, such as a garage or locked shed, or if you need somewhere with more security, a secure self-storage unit could provide the perfect place to keep your equipment safe and away from prying eyes. At Store & Secure, our state-of-the-art storage units in Bournemouth, Basingstoke and Poole are highly secure and operate with 24/7 CCTV throughout for ultimate peace of mind.
Equally, you may want to keep your heavy, more dangerous sports equipment away from children and others. If space is limited at home, storing your sports equipment safely can become difficult. That’s why we offer a range storage solutions in a variety of sizes to fulfull all needs and budgets. Take a look at our self-storage space guide to see what sports equipment storage options are available at Store & Secure.
3. Keep sports equipment in top condition
Unlike homes, self-storage units have been purpose-built for storing items. Choosing to store your sports equipment in a self-storage space means that your equipment will remain where you leave it, undisturbed until you come to collect it, helping to keep it in the very best condition. What’s more is our indoor self-storage spaces have wide corridors, large lifts and free trolleys to make moving and transporting any equipment in and out of our facility as stress-free as possible, and helping to prevent any damage while doing so.
If you’re considering sports equipment storage in Basingstoke, Bournemouth or Poole, Store & Secure are could have the self-space space that’s perfect for you. We offer self-storage units in a variety of sizes from as little as £5 a week. Get in touch with us today to find out more and Get an Instant Price. You can call us on 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke) or 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth).