Online cool baby clothes retailer Baby Moo’s has just up-sized its storage unit in Bournemouth at Store & Secure due to increased business. We caught up with Bournemouth-based founder and designer Anna-lee Kewley on a flying visit to her stock room last week and she updated us on how her business is doing.
At just 31 with two young children aged three and four – and no previous web, marketing or business experience – Anna’s business is booming. What started with just £230 and an idea is now turning over up to £8,000 a month.
She uses her storage unit at Store & Secure mainly to hold her excess stock – so whenever she runs low on product in her workshop at home, she will pop in and collect more to replenish her stock.
Because there’s always someone here to sign for packages, we receive Anna’s goods-in and returns. We simply call her when something arrives and she comes in to store them away.
Anna said: “When I was pregnant with my first child, I found most baby clothes were pastel pinks and blues, a bit boring for my taste, and anything slightly funky was just expensive. So I sold some stuff on eBay, built a website, imported some funky baby clothing and sold it.
“I became a massive geek very fast, rebuilt the website myself onto WordPress in 2013, got heavily into SEO online marketing and PR, and we had a huge upturn in business. It was amazing. Now I design all the clothes and have them made in UK, India and Turkey.
“I use the terms alternative and funky for the clothes, there’s also some seriously wacky stuff in there… punk gear, skull motifs bright colours and black – it all sells really well.”
Anna spends a lot of time working on the business, between 60 and 70 hours a week… and on the whole, loves it.
If you’d like to read more of Anna’s story, there’s an great article on the Bournemouth Echo website.
If you would like to find out how self storage in Bournemouth or business storage in Basingstoke could help your company, call Store & Secure today on 01202 520 220 (Bournemouth) or 01256 444 455 (Basingstoke).